Calculated on a Daily / Weekly / Monthly.
Grace Period: 1 hour after due time
Extra Hour: Charged at 10% of the daily rate per hour
6 Hours Extra: Considered as a full-day rental

Rental rates include full indemnity for accidental damage to third-party property and bodily
The hirer is responsible for an amount equivalent to the excess clause as per the table:
Group A (Below 1000cc): RM 1,500

Image to download:

Group B (1001 – 1300cc): RM 2,000
Group C (1301 – 1500cc): RM 2,500
Group D (1501 – 2000cc): RM 3,000
Group E (2001cc and above): RM 5,000
The hirer is responsible for damages due to illegal, negligent, or careless actions, including
tyre punctures, burst tyres, fuel errors, electrical issues, loss or damage to vehicle
accessories, and damage to windows, mirrors, and undercarriage.

The surcharge applies to deliveries outside the KK City area.
Late meet charge:
21:00 – 23:30: RM10
23:31 – 06:00: RM20

In the event of an accident caused by a third-party vehicle, the hirer must obtain the third-
party details (vehicle registration number, driver’s name, and driving license number).

If claims cannot be made against third-party insurance, all damages will be borne by the hirer,
subject to the excess clause.
The hirer must inform the company and make a police report within 24 hours of the accident
or discovery of theft/loss. A written police report is required.

The hirer is responsible for all parking fees, traffic fines, and JPJ/DBKK compounds incurred
during the rental period.

No refunds for cancellations or amendments.
Amendments to rental dates and vehicle type are subject to availability.

The rental area is within a 200km radius of Kota Kinabalu town.
Driving over 200km from Kota Kinabalu will incur an RM200 charge and require company